Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Is there a Method to my Madness or a Madness to my Method? "! BOTH !" he exclaimed.

"See ya later, Allen Ginsberg"
                                                             ~ Bobby Dylan

If you aren't familiar with the man above, he is none other than the famed Beat Poet Allen Ginsberg. A magnificent Word-Man and a sort of Counter-Culture Spiritual Guide.

In his later years, with the encouragement of Bob Dylan, he took to putting his words to music. I consider the video below to be one of his finest songs, if not his finest.

It may be painful to the ears of many and seem simplistic to some but I consider the message to carry a spark of the divine.

Also, the word Ayahuasca, to increase site traffic. To increase traffic even more:

Lose Weight Instantly without Diet or Exercise! Lose 113.075362 pounds in 54 Seconds!
(Please take a moment to join us in a meditation Capitalism by imaging the words above flashing at epileptic seizure inducing speed! Results may vary.)

And Now Our Featured Presentation:


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